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Lue tästä EU:n tietosuoja-asetuksen (EU) 2016/679 mukainen kirjallinen kuvaus Forssan Lava ja Huolto Oy'n toteuttamasta henkilötietojen käsittelystä.
Our premises can be found from two separate locations:
- In city of Forssa we're located at Viksbergintie 3, Finland.
- In city of Humppila we're located at Petsamontie 1, Finland

Our premises are open daily from 7.30am to 4pm.
Our email addresses are firstname.lastname@flh.fi

Sami Kakko, gm
tel. +358 40 517 6167

Premises at Forssa
Spare parts and repair works
tel. +358 3 422 6169, tel. +358 50 543 8683

Premises at Humppila
Truck head structures and parts manufacturing design and sales
tel. +358 3 437 7059, tel. +358 40 580 3659

tel. +358 44 779 0963
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